Health Precautions at NLC as of March 24

Hello, All.

I hope this finds you and yours well and that you are finding moments of grace in every day. At NLC, we and the horses are well.

Effective March 22 and until at least April 6, NLC and the Ohana property are closed to clients and visitors.

We have put stricter quarantine procedures in place, including a total lockdown of the Upper (Big) barn building and separation of people traffic between that barn and our barn. Our neighbors in that barn just returned from the winter horse show season in Florida, where they had a lot of contact with other people and shared surfaces. Out of an abundance of caution and because the shared bathrooms are in that building, we are quarantining the property for at least two weeks with only essential staff coming and going.

In the meantime, stay tuned for some virtual offerings from NLC in addition to the phone and video sessions that are proceeding. And don’t worry, we are being well supervised . . .
